فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب شماره 20: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

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==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==
==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==
* '''Muslim Denomination in Africa Statuesque- Suggestions'''<br>
* '''By Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri'''<br>
'''Abstract:''' <br>
The present article analyses the Muslim denominations in Africa, based on their needs, challenges and methods of attending to them. The author, at first explains the historical backgrounds of the development of Islam and the period of its glory and many years of development and the establishment of Islamic government in some  African countries particularly in the north of Africa and then deals with various challenges facing Muslims in Africa such as enormous and powerful influence of Christianity in the region through founding countless disseminating  institutions, spending large amounts of funds and developing radio and TV stations and their extensive anti-Muslim campaigns. Another challenge is lack of the Muslim disseminating programs, lack of cooperation among them and presence of racial and religious disagreements.  <br>
'''Keywords:''' Muslim Denominations, Africa, Christianity, Racial and Religious Disagreement, Sufi Movements. <br>

مطالب مندرج در این مدخل بارگذاری شده از فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب، سال دوم، شماره بیستم، پاییز 1388 می‌باشد.
مطالب مندرج در این مدخل بارگذاری شده از فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب، سال دوم، شماره بیستم، پاییز 1388 می‌باشد.
