فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب شماره 4: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

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==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==
==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==
A discussion on the beginning of the lunar months<br>
Written by Mohammad Ali Taskhiri<ref>Secretary General of the International Society for the Proximity of Islamic Religions</ref>
The question is when the new month begins and we would not be able to observe the moon; or it is visible in one city and invisible in the other, then what should be done?
If the problem arises as the presence of clouds, observing the moon by the neighboring city is credible. If the reason of invisibility is time zone difference then the issue should be solved according to the Islamic laws. There are some disagreements between the Shiite and Sunni scholars over the issue.
The Shiite scholars believe that observing the moon in the city with the same time zone or the city which has the close time zone to the target city is enough for crescent confirmation, however; the rule is not applicable for the cities having different time zones. It is worth mentioning that many contemporary scholars believe that it is applicable even for the cities with different time zones. Mogniya book reads that the Hanafies, the Malekies and the Hanbalies believe that observing the moon is enough for confirmation wherever the observation maybe. However, the Shafeies does not believe in different time zone confirmation and the only condition for them to be proved is the same time zone.
The opponents of accepting confirmation of a city with a different time zone back their claim with the following; Laylat ul-Qadr is the same night for all the people across the globe according to the Qadr Sura. The traditions signifying observation as the criterion for confirmation indicate observing the crescent in one city is enough for confirmation in other regions as well.
The opponents say the expression “observing the crescent is enough” does not cover all the regions and how it is applicable for two cities located on two opposite sides of the globe.
Consequently, it is not possible to have just one idea on the crescent time and therefore it is impossible to set an individual or a government to indicate crescent time. We shall not consider the world’s public opinion about us concerning this issue and shall follow our own rules and regulations.
The only absolute way is the order of Muslim leader, whose idea is acceptable, since there is ample religious reasoning for following his orders

