فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب شماره 6: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

بدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
بدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
بدون خلاصۀ ویرایش
خط ۱۲۴: خط ۱۲۴:
==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==
==چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی==

* '''Indications of equilibrium in Iran's constitution'''<br>
By: Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri <ref>Secretary General of the International Society for the Proximity of Islamic Religions</ref><br>
'''Abstract:''' <br>
One of the important characteristics of Islam is that it has a moderate approach towards issues and events. Islam strives to take up a moderate position concerning different issues. Relying on Quran and traditions, this article attempts to prove that although God's providence and ruling is absolute and unconditional, it is moderate and everlasting. The author presents Iran's constitution as an exemplar of existence of balance in Islamic rules and codes such as the will of people, on the one hand, and religious power on the other or the relations between the three governing bodies-the Judiciary, the Legislative, and the Executive; bilateral supervision of the organizations ruling the country; meeting personal rights while social rights are observed; and last but not least, the choice between national expediency or Islam expediency.<br>
'''Keywords:''' sings of balance, constitution, Legislation, facts, Supervision, the three governing bodies<br>
* '''Iran and Egypt in the track of proximity'''
By Seyed Hadi Khusru Shahi <ref>Researcher and faculty member of Unity Conference</ref> <br>
'''Abstract:''' <br>
Iran and Egypt have always been on good terms and the major centers of East civilization throughout history. Both countries have played vital roles in advancement of human's civilization. They have always been willing to expand bilateral ties. <br>
In order to seize today's opportunities and necessities one needs to become acquainted with historical backgrounds and the kind of relations these two countries have had. The author attempts to review bilateral ties between Iran and Egypt in three ages of pre-Islam, after Islam and during recent centuries, in addition he attempts to clarify the role of some distinguished personalities, namely Seyed Jamal Al-Dean Asad Abadi and Sheikh Mohammad Taqi Qomi in expanding the ties between the two countries. Finally yet importantly, position of Iran and Egypt within the issue of globalization and the dialogue between civilizations are the issues discussed in the article. <br>
'''Keywords:''' proximity between religions, relations of modification movement, globalization, dialogue between civilizations <br>

