فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب شماره 20

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یکی از نویسندگان مداخل ویکی وحدت مشغول ویرایش در این صفحه می باشد. این علامت در اینجا درج گردیده تا نمایانگر لزوم باقی گذاشتن صفحه در حال خود است. لطفا تا زمانی که این علامت را نویسنده کنونی بر نداشته است، از ویرایش این صفحه خودداری نمائید.
آخرین مرتبه این صفحه در تاریخ زیر تغییر یافته است: ۱۳:۵۲، ۳ اکتبر ۲۰۲۲؛

فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب شماره بیستم
نام مجله اندیشه تقریب
صاحب امتیاز مجمع جهانی تقریب مذاهب اسلامی
زیر نظر آیت‌الله محمد علی تسخیری
مدیر مسئول علی‌اصغر اوحدی
شورای سردبیری سیدحسین هاشمی، عزّالدین رضا نژاد، مرتضی محمدی
مشاوران علمی
  1. عليرضا اعرافى؛
  2. عباس برومند اعلم؛
  3. سيّداحمدرضا حسينى؛
  4. سيّدمنذر حكيم؛
  5. سيّدهادى خسروشاهى؛
  6. محمّدحسن زمانى؛
  7. محمّدرضا غفوريان؛
  8. ناصر قربان‌نيا؛
  9. نجف لک‌زايى؛
  10. محمدهادى يوسفى غروى.
مدیر اجرایی محمدعلی ملاهاشم
شمارگان 20
سال نشر سال پنجم، پاییز، 1388
زبان فارسی
ISSN 1735-7101
فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب (شماره بیستم) با هدف استحكام بخشيدن به وحدت ميان مسلمانان و نيز طرح مباحث انديشه‌اى در زمينه مشكلات و چالش‌هاى فراروى جهان اسلام، در حوزه‌هاى مختلف فقهى، حقوقى، كلامى، فلسفى، تاريخى و ... منتشر شده است. این شماره در پنجمین سال و در فصل پاییز سال 1388 با اهتمام مجمع جهانی تقریب مذاهب اسلامی منتشر شده است.


مقالات اندیشه‌ای

  1. اقلیت های مسلمان در آفریقا؛ وضع موجود-پیشنهادها (مقاله)/ آیت‌الله محمد علی تسخیری [۱]
  2. اچالش های وحدت و راهبرد رویارویی کنکاشی در تشخیص موانع وحدت و تقریب و راه های برطرف ساختن آنها(مقاله)/ دکتر محمد عبدو
  3. عدل گستری و ستم ستیزی در قرآن کریم (مقاله)/ سیدمنذر حکیم
  4. آرماگدون و مسیحیت صهیونیستی (مقاله)/ حسین سیاح
  5. بررسی روایات و آرای بزرگان شیعه و اهل سنت درباره شفاعت (مقاله)/ علی‌اشرف کرمی
  6. اندیشه تقریب و امنیت جهان اسلام با تأکید بر اندیشه امام خمینی (مقاله)/ حکیمه عزیزاللهی

پیشگامان تقریب

سرزمین‌هاى جهان اسلام

گزارشی از یک کتاب

اخبار فرهنگی

مأخذ شناسی اندیشه تقریب [۳]

‌‌الف. آثار منتشر شده توسط مجمع جهانی تقریب مذاهب اسلامی

ب.سایر آثار منشر شده در زمینه اندیشه تقریب؛

چکیده مقاله‌ها

در این بخش از فصلنامه مقالات اندیشه‌ای به زبان عربی و انگلیسی ترجمه شده است.

چکیده مقالات به زبان عربی

المصطلحات الرئيسة:

چکیده مقالات به زبان انگلیسی

  • Muslim Denomination in Africa Statuesque- Suggestions
  • By Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri [۴]

The present article analyses the Muslim denominations in Africa, based on their needs, challenges and methods of attending to them. The author, at first explains the historical backgrounds of the development of Islam and the period of its glory and many years of development and the establishment of Islamic government in some African countries particularly in the north of Africa and then deals with various challenges facing Muslims in Africa such as enormous and powerful influence of Christianity in the region through founding countless disseminating institutions, spending large amounts of funds and developing radio and TV stations and their extensive anti-Muslim campaigns. Another challenge is lack of the Muslim disseminating programs, lack of cooperation among them and presence of racial and religious disagreements.

Keywords: Muslim Denominations, Africa, Christianity, Racial and Religious Disagreement, Sufi Movements.

  • The challenges against Religious Cohesion and the Method of Confronting and Recognizing the Obstacles to Cohesion and “Proximity” and Solutions for Removing them
  • By Dr. Mohammad Abdow [۵]

Islam is founded on two pillars: the word of monotheism and unity of word. Islam necessitates religious cohesion in 5 areas; these areas are like a comprehensive and stable identity for differentiating between the Muslims: unity in beliefs, Islam law, civilization, and the land of Islam. Islam also encourages holding different ideas in order to create an intellectual movement in the Islamic society. The author has divided the paper into two sections: the first section deals with the obstacles to the religious cohesion and unity among the Muslims such as ethnical inclinations to fanaticism, making troubles and causing conflicts by the infidels and the second section argues the methods for overcoming obstacles to religious cohesion and unity.

Keywords: Islam, Unity, word of monotheism, Unity in Beliefs, Islam law, Civilization and the land of Islam, Obstacles to proximity and unity.

  • Expanding Justice and Fighting With Oppression According To the Quran
  • By Seyyd Monzer Hakim [۶]

Islam is responsible for presenting a just behavioral system based on proper moral principles for man and a just behavioral system is backed by a comprehensive moral system, thereby perfection of the moral traits through an Islamic moral system is the mission of the prophecy set for the Prophet of Islam. “Inama Ba’ethto Le Otemema Makarem Al-Akhlaq”.
Through this, the relationship between moral perfection and man’s behavior perfection and inseparability between behavior perfection and moral perfection is clarified as a certain principle.
The divine just system, according to a comprehensive theory, is in place since it is based on justice and according to the objectives of this system; the people who have tendency toward justice should be led toward seeking justice and then nurtured in a just environment and put in a humanistic, pious and balanced society and guided toward expansion of justice so that this divine justice is achieved in the merit individuals in extended societies and the world people’s rising toward justice and the God’s promise is reached.

Keywords: Justice, Right, Limit, Balance, Right Path, Stature, Middle, Oppression, Cruelty, Tyranny, Injustice, Rise.

  • Armageddon and Zionist Christianity
  • By: Hussein Sayyah [۷]

According to the Zionist Christians, Armageddon is the name of a battle which occurs in a region named “Majdo” in the end of the world and the warriors of Christ and their enemies, being the symbol of right and wrong fight with each other and in the end the warriors of Christ win the battle and ever after the Jews will be the masters of the earth and the others will be their servants. The author holds that the colonizers are playing a religious game based on the religious beliefs and they aim at destroying the whole world with the flames of wars; since if the nations don’t support their governments the government would not be able to achieve its goals. Thereby and in order to get the approval of their nations for dominating the world they have started the huge atomic war under the name of religion and the pretext that it is based on the beliefs of the Christians and Jews.
The Zionist Christianity, returning to Hebraic, is a deviated and faked sect made based on Christianity which supports the Jews as the select nation of God. As for the achievements of this movement are creation of Zionism party, establishment of various crimes for founding the worldwide Jewish government and domination of the Jews all over the world. According to their claim, in the third Millennium of the Armageddon bloody war between the Christ warriors and the anti-Christ fighters, the Jesus descends from the sky to the earth and kills the Dajjal and then starts his kingdom and a long-term peaceful period begins. The interest of Christian-Zionist fundamentalists to Israel and an early start of such a battle which lays the grounds for the Christ’s return arise from this belief. As for other fundamental beliefs of this denomination are returning of the Jewish nation from different parts of the world to the Promised Land, renovating the Solomon Statue, rushing of many of the disbelievers (the Muslims and Christians who don’t believe in the return of Christ) to Israel and the belief that only those are saved who believe in the return of the Christ over the battle filed.

Keywords: Promised, Armageddon, Zionist Christians, Fundamentalism.

  • Analyzing the Traditions and the Viewpoints of Shiite and Sunni Scholars regarding Shafa’at(Mediation)
  • By: Ali Ashraf Karami [۸]

The question of mediation is one of the outmost important subjects in Islamic teachings; and some Quranic verses are allocated to this topic. Also in Islamic traditions the subject has a special place in a way that there is a mention of relevant traditions in many of the authenticated Shiite and Sunni books and each one has given the right of mediation to some groups, individuals or tribes. The author of this paper is aimed at explaining relevant traditions common among Shiites and Sunnis and those mentioned only in the Shiite sources so that the individuals seeking mediation can acquire the required qualifications and become subject to mediation. This research also indicates the arguments by prominent Sunni and Shiite scholars regarding mediation.

Keywords: Sunni, Shiite, mediation, tradition, the Prophet of Islam, Wabahhism.

  • Proximity Reflection and the Security of the Islam World Underlining Imam Khomeini’s Reflection
  • By: Hakime Aziz-o Lahe[۹]

In today’s word, various events occur in Islamic countries, ranging from wars, killings and backwardness. The West, with its pattern of “divide and rule”, expands conflicts and wars in Muslim countries. All of these events have made the world of Islam insecure. Imam Khomeini, after the victory of Islamic revolution in Iran, tried to bring Muslims together and revive the cohesion reflection, thereby minimizing the problems of the world of Islam and bringing about security for the Muslim nations.
Drawing on Imam Khomeini’s reflections as the reviver of cohesion reflection, the question is how the security of Muslim countries can be increased through creating cohesion among Muslims.
To answer this question we need a pattern. This pattern is a theory by Amitia Etzioni. He assumes four stages for creation of unity as followings: 1. Pre-unity situation, 2. Derivers of unity. These two stages control the factors creating unity; 3.Process of unity, 4. System involvement with the issues that the system was created for, i.e. unity in itself is not the goal.
Therefore based on this pattern, the present paper argues the factors crating cohesion and the fields requiring cohesion and the objective of religious cohesion. Although there are various definitions given for religious cohesion, the ultimate objective is security, since only through presence of security other objectives of cohesion, such as spiritual and moral developments can be achieved. Unless the spiritual security is in place the spiritual development can not be reached. In order to provide security in Muslim countries, their power should be increased. Power, according to Imam Khomeini, is not merely limited to one aspect such as military power, but it is defined as improving the status of Islam world in a complicated network of national relation and international relation. (Eftekhari, 1380, 45).
Thus, various factors are involved for creation of this power and the unity created through cohesion can result in strengthening these factors. Also security is multi-dimension and thereby it is necessary to provide security in all the dimensions and through the unity created in the field of religious cohesion, the security in these fields can be facilitated. Therefore it can be said the cohesion reflection can increase the power of Muslims through strengthening cohesion and it can help increase their security in spiritual, personal, cultural, political, social, economic and military aspects.

Keywords: Cohesion, Security, Islam World.

  • Sheikh Mohammad Bakhit Moti’e Scholar and Author of Issues Regarding Proximity of Islamic Sects
  • By: A. R. Amirdehi

Sheikh Mohammad Najit Moti’e (1271-1354 lunar calendar) after finishing school and memorizing the Holy Quran entered Al-Azhar University and successfully passed the Islamic course units. As he wanted to become a judge, he started Hanafi Jurisprudence subjects and since graduation, he was appointed as the judge in different cities and later he became the Supreme Director of State Judiciary in Egypt. He spent the last decades of his life on teaching and writing and besides instructing students he wrote many books and wrote several papers; however, the most important academic-cultural contribution of his life can be considered the idea of improving the relationship and proximity of Islamic sects, explaining jurisprudential ideas of each Islamic sects and avoiding religious fanaticism. This paper indicates some examples of his attempts toward unity of Islamic sects and religious coherence.

Keywords: Sheikh Mohammad Najit Moti’e, Al-Azhar, Attempts toward creation of unity, Mufti of Egypt

  • (A System Based on Kingdom –Religion) 2
  • By: Ez- Al-Din Reza Nezhad [۱۰]

The Morocco’s first Constitution was ratified in December 1962 through holding the referendum and was later revised 6 times within 35 years. The current Constitution, ratified in 13 September, 1996, contains an introduction and 108 clauses. As per the introduction, Morocco is an independent and Islamic country and the official language is Arabic; the country is part of the Large West (Arab Maghreb Union) and tries to fulfill its commitments regarding human rights and maintaining international peace and security.
Presenting a brief introduction of Morocco’s Constitution, this paper indicates the four authorities in the country, namely the kingdom, the parliament, the executive, i.e. government, and the judiciary. It also presents a report about official and legal parties, how the religious activities are supervised, the Islamic movements prospective, foreign policy, and finally the Morocco’s relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Keywords; Morocco, Morocco’s Constitution, Kingdom, Legal Parties, Scholars Society of Morocco, Dar Al-Hadith Al-Husseiniyah, Islamic Movements.

مطالب مندرج در این مدخل بارگذاری شده از فصلنامه اندیشه تقریب، سال دوم، شماره بیستم، پاییز 1388 می‌باشد.


  1. دبیرکل مجمع جهانی تقریب مذاهب اسلامی
  2. عضو هيئت علمى پژوهشى پژوهشكده تحقيقات اسلامى و مدرس دانشگاه.
  3. تهیه شده توسط سلمان حبیبی پژوهشگر جامعة المصطفی العالمیة
  4. General Secretary of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Sects.
  5. Researcher of Islamic Studies, Morocco.
  6. Researcher in Islamic Fields and University Lecturer.
  7. MS in Hadith Studies.
  8. Teacher in Sama Vocational School, Kermanshah Province.
  9. Postgraduate Student of Political Sciences.
  10. Faculty Member of Al-Mustafa International University.